Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mr Three's Truth Blog

I believe in thinking positive and trying to be upbeat with people. And to walk with God and love His people!
The 2 Witnesses! February 24, 2007
For 30 years I have known they were coming in my lifetime. I refer to the two witnesses. I know in my heart they are walking the earth now as we speak. They may not even know who they are. But I feel God is showing me they are here and their time could be near!! But that means the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet are also here. Walking amongst us. Nearing their destiny! How could God forecast this 3,000 years ago through His servants, the prophets? And through John on the isle of Patmos almost 2,000 years ago? Because God is timeless. God is spirit! Spirit is not limited by physical limitations. I have stated before from The Word that a thousand years are as one day to God. We live a mere 74 years average for men and 78 years for women. God has existed FOREVER! He and His Powerful Son are Eternal Spirit beings. This 6,000 years since Adam and Eve is not all that long to them, but seems like eons for us. We should be getting excited! That magnificent day that the Son, Jesus Christ, returns in Great Power and Great Glory, is not that too distant now! Unfortuneately the prophecied Great Tribulation lies between us and that Coming Kingdom of God to this earth. Satan has been working on his New World Order, ruled by men but personally guided by him, for a long, long time. We can be protected from this whole scenario of a New World Order, WW III, and all that encompasses, IF we return to God with our whole heart, mind, and souls! Many of you have done this I'm sure. I feel I am doing that but I am still seeking a Church to attend (I quit my Church after 25 years of attendance, 5 years ago)! I may not go to a building, but I believe and follow the Author of The Word! I seek His truth always! We will all have troubles so we need to get spiritually strong. To grab hold of God and don't let go! DON'T EVER LET GO! We do what he wants us to do. YES, OBEY HIM! I did not want to get too much into this, but it just happened. I have a long row to hoe, and feel most of us do! I hope I did not sound preachy. Sure did not want to do that either. I just say, we all need to be like the deer! Take a good look around you, and stay alert! WE BETTER STAY ALERT. IT IS CALLED SELF-PRESERVATION! SO WE WATCH THE NEWS! WE WATCH SOCIETY AND THE MORAL TRENDS! WE WATCH THE ELECTED OFFICIALS AND WHAT THEY ARE GETTING PASSED IN YOUR CAPITOLS! We should always consider what motivates every action and news item! I have a new problem. Here it is in a nutshell. I love all of my 360 friends and want above all for them that they and theirs be safe and happy! Because change is in the wind, and I worry about you! I pray about all of you, often! Mr Three

Friday February 23, 2007 - 08:43pm (MST)
We Will See Our Loved Ones Again! 02/23/07

Good Friday to all! I have missed you! Have been gone most of the last 3 days. A relative is in the hospital and I have been house sitting. Taking care of the kids and the pets! Sleeping over. Her computer is not working. I was just starting to answer comments and messages yesterday morning and got called away. This is my first good chance to get caught up some. How are you? What is new? I am going to repeat a post about my mother from last summer, 2006, so I can make some rounds and catch up on you all! Be happy! Enjoy life- -it is a one time journey as a human being. The next life is the real treasure to attain! Mr Three

In November, 2005, I flew North to be with my mother. Her name is Esther and she was passing away. My youngest sister and I stayed at her bedside mostly all of 7 days. The rest of the family came as they could. My sister from Colorado flew in and overlapped with me 4 days. She stayed there a bunch also! Our mother died on Thanksgiving Day! I dreamed of her recently (June, 2006) and thus have been missing her more again! She had 9 of us whereas I have 2 older sisters, 2 younger sisters. Also, 2 older brothers, 2 younger brothers. I am Mr In-between. Anyway, the dream. I was at Madera Canyon, 25 miles south of Tucson. Madera Canyon is absolutely awesome! It is a canyon that as you drive, rises higher and higher. I love going there because it is cooler than scorching Tucson in the summer! It has Minnesota type trees and shrubs, and it is a bird sanctuary. It is full of huge Bluejays! There are many trails where you can hike along the mountain ridges and through the wildernes type canyons. Anyway I was hiking on a ridge, enjoying nature. Suddenly, there was a woman sitting on a bench way down at the bottom of that ridge. Dressed all in white. A bright white! No one else was visible anywhere. I worked my way down the ridge and when I got closer, I recognized the woman as my mother! As I approached, she said, "There was something I never got to tell you. Always remember, it is not position. It is not power. It is not money. IT IS HOW YOU TREAT HIS PEOPLE!" Then she was gone and I did not get to say anything. And believe me, there was so much I wanted to say to her! To ask her! I have thought about this lots since the dream and will be thinking of it lots until I die, or receive my change. Imagine, for a moment, if we could all see and talk to those we love who have passed on! Maybe one day soon, He who is returning in POWER AND GLORY, WILL ARRANGE JUST THAT! Mr Three

Friday February 23, 2007 - 08:20am (MST)

Second Post Today! February 22, 2007

When I returned from Vietnam in 1969, I shared two things with my family and my girlfriend! I said, you cannot believe how peaceful and quiet it seems here in the States. Also, just the freedom. You do not have to worry here about rockets exploding! You do not have constant artillery fire well within sound range and constant B52 bomb drops, some seem so close by! You do not have to worry all the time about a rifle that may be aimed at you! It was more of a transition to come home, than it was to go in 1968! But then you consider our soldiers in Iraq. Car bombs! Constantly! Imagine for a moment if you were in doubt about every car that came near your location! Maybe we should do that as we drive to our jobs, run our errands, etc, this week. The men and women over there certainly need our prayers! Mr Three

On the lighter side:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. As they lay down for the night, Holmes said:” Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see?"

Watson said, "I see millions and millions of stars."

Holmes: "And what does that tell you?"

Watson: "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Theologically, it tells me that God is great and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorogically, it tells me that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"

Holmes: "Somebody stole our tent."

Thursday February 22, 2007 - 06:59am (MST)

How much do we not know? February 22, 2007

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves!"

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the EXISTING GOVERNMENT, and form a new one that serves them better. THIS is a valuable- - a most sacred right, a right which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

"Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all!"

Three qoutes that truly seem written today. Who wrote each of these three, and what kind of radicals are they? Have you guessed yet? All three of these strong statements were written by Abraham Lincoln!

If I were to fly around this great USA today, I would find educated and concerned citizens saying words almost like Abraham Lincoln said in these quotes above! Why? Because we have been had! Our war on terrorism in Iraq was not represented properly. Our war against WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) was not that! This war is about Greed! This was a President with a hidden agenda! A family of Bush's with ties to the Saudi Arabians! A family of Bush's with ties to the NEW WORLD ORDER! A President who was a member of Skull and Bones at Yale University! What is Skull and Bones? A fraternity controlled by the Illuminati! Who are they? Rich and secretive families who promote the New World Order! Why should you care? Because our President, with little American resistence, is planning to turn this country over to the New World Order! How you ask? By destroying our Economy! Do you care? If you do, go out and get a copy of: " "America, the Broke" written by Gerald Swanson. Get it! Read it! Tell your friends! Our President belongs to an order larger thaN the USA and our beloved Constitution. He belongs to a Satanic plot to destroy us and have us enslaved. You have been warned! Do your homework? Read the book. Check up on 'Skull and Bones' at Yale. Find out how much the Saudis have bought up of your country. Read all about the Illuminati! Start with a book called: 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail!' While you are enjoying the next 'American Idol', forces are at work to take away our way of life! I wish they were not! But, good friends, they truly are!



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